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Indira Srinivasan

I started my career as a program producer for women and children in AIR FM Radio as a freelancer and progressed for the past 27 years serving academia, industry, and research as faculty, communicator, author, and writer for digital media platforms. I have spent my past 8 years as Science Communicator, writing articles and blogs on social media platforms. I am an ardent book and music lover and fond of singing Indian classical music. My research interests are on ethnography and I love to write on topics including but not limited to climate change, environment, culture, and at present digital monetization.

Exploring The Creator’s Economy in Gaming

August 26, 2021 Indira Srinivasan

Online Gaming is highly interactive and has become a community and social activity today with wider applications in education, corporate training and entertainment.

Market research is as old as the market itself, the time when mass production of goods and distribution started, dated back to the industrial era. What is new about it is, it evolved with time and you have tools and techniques to gauge your customers accurately.

Top 15 Ways to Grow Your Email List

July 13, 2021 Indira Srinivasan

Struggling to grow a quality email list? Get your email list growth strategy in place with these 15 ideas. Try them out and see which one worked for you best today!