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Samien Kidwai

Hailing from an academic background, I have been an Assistant Professor in Mass Communication with an additional decade of experience in creative writing. I’m passionate about music and theatre with an inclination towards movies. Being an avid reader, I love to scribble my thoughts and ideas when I’m not running behind my 8 year old daughter.

As a publisher, you must know about the metric called vCPM, and how it impacts your ad revenue. Read our blog for more information on vCPM, and plan your strategy.

Everything to know about Media Trading

February 11, 2022 Samien Kidwai

Have you ever come across the term media trading and wanted to know more about it? Read how crucial media trading is in programmatic advertising, and more in the blog!

In-App Advertising – All You Need to Know

February 8, 2022 Samien Kidwai

Have you considered in-app advertising for your website? Read our latest blog article to know more about the concept, and see how best you can use it for your website!